A petition was filed in Supreme Court to declare Cow as National Animal.

Bengal Tiger is the recognized national Animal of India.

Bengal Tiger is the recognized national Animal of India.

Petitioner contended that Cows are sacred, its dung and urine used for many purposes.

Cows should be protected by strong laws by central government.

Case was- Govansh Sewa Sadan and anr V. U.O.I 2022

Supreme Court refused to entertain this type of petition.

Court held that this is not the job of judiciary and it is misuse of  petition.

Cow is National Animal of Nepal.

"Jab Gay ka kalyan hoga tabhi desh ka kkalyan hoga" -Allahabad High court

"Jab Gay ka kalyan hoga tabhi desh ka kkalyan hoga" -Allahabad High court

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